The science behind SteadyHands gloves and how to get the most out of them

The short version...

SteadyHands gloves are linked by an elasticised Velcro band with a quick-release clip.

The band can be adjusted to keep your hands at a wider or shorter distance apart.

The clip releases very easily with a short sharp movement, but under constant pressure stays clipped up.

You will use the band like a resistance band, and push your hands slightly apart against it.

This will engage the correct muscles to keep your hands:

1. Upright

2. The correct distance apart

3. In a forward-feeling position

4. Steadier

You will also notice that you are using less hand, and more seat and leg - and your horse becomes happier as a result.

The long version...

The band that links the SteadyHands gloves together (which is adjustable, elasticised and equipped with a safety-release clip) acts as a resistance band across the back of the rider's hands.

By pushing slightly against the band, the rider will engage the muscles of the back, shoulders and upper arms, specifically:

1. Deltoids

2. Latissimus dorsi

3. Serratus

4. Pectoral muscles

5. Abdominal muscles

6. Triceps

7. Brachioradialis

All these muscles work in conjunction to stabilise the rider's seat and arms, resulting in better contact and hand position. Many riders also report an improvement in the effectiveness of their seat.

SteadyHands gloves are not designed as a crutch. Once the rider has felt which muscles to engage, try to see how long you can keep them activated without wearing the gloves. Over time, you will use SteadyHands less.

Having said that, even advanced riders competing at the highest levels use SteadyHands gloves to make minute refinements to their contact.


Which muscles are activated?

The following muscles all work in conjunction to stabilise the seat and the hand position. As most riders know, it is impossible to have a good hand position if the rider's seat is defective.

Although SteadyHands gloves act directly on the hands, they engage muscle chains which also affect the seat.

This is why most riders who use SteadyHands gloves report an improvement in their seat as well as their hand position.


These muscles provide dynamic stability of the shoulders. In horse riders, when correctly engaged, they help to keep the shoulders back.

Latissimus dorsi

These muscles stabilise the spine and support good posture. They are important to keep a good, upright position without slouching.


This muscles connects the shoulders to the rider's core, and is crucial to good posture. It is a deep muscle but when engaged, it is a very important stabiliser.

Pectoral muscles

These are one of the largest muscles in the upper body and they play a key role in stabilising the shoulders and combatting slouching.

Abdominal muscles

Most riders know that engaged core muscles are the cornerstone of a stable and supple seat. Through the activation of muscles chains, core muscles are engaged when using SteadyHands gloves.


These upper arm muscles help riders to keep their arms by their side and stabilise the shoulders. They provide (along with other muscles) the ability to keep the contact forward feeling without moving the upper body forwards.


These are the large forearm muscles, which primarily flex the forearm at the elbow. Properly engaged, they stabilise and encourage a bend in the elbows. This is key to achieving a steady contact, as the elbow is often thought of as the link between the seat and the bit.

Customer Reviews

Based on 186 reviews
Sarah-Jane Bedington
A total contact game changer and stable must have

I was sceptical about these at first and insta marketing got me on pay day in the end sooo. BUT after just 1 ride I can't believe I lived this long without these gloves.
1. I had the best contact with my horse that I have had EVER (and I've spent thousands of dollars on Dressage lessons).
2. It brought me instant awareness that my reins were too long and the horse was not forward enough - usually I'd just fuss with my hands and widen them, but having this awareness of my correct hand position instantly made me look to other ways - correct other ways ;)
3. I could hold the correct contact in my hands because my hand position with these gloves made me engage my core and ride the horse forwards.
4. Best circles we've ever had because I had to ride with my SEAT, not my hands - this ensured consistent contact throughout the whole ride.a

If you struggle getting your horse on the bit or with contact you NEED these gloves.

Game changer

Love these gloves. The lightbulb moment I needed.

Wow, thank you for your comment. 'Lightbulb Moment' is used a lot when our customers talk about the gloves, which we are grateful and so pleased they give that clarity.

Brie Dawson

These gloves have made such a huge difference to my riding and my position!

Fantastic Brie, we are so pleased.

Michal Weatherall

Great, very happy

So glad you think they are great. Happy Riding. :)

Lucy Were
Best gloves ever

OMG! These are the best things ever!! Super comfortable and I saw a difference on the first ride with them!!

Awesome news Lucy, so pleased you love them and noticed a difference on your first ride.